My IdoLa ^-^

(Monday, February 23, 2009)

Dalam perjalanan balapnya rossi kerap berganti julukan dan melakukan hal-hal yang menarik perhatian dan menghibur. Ia beralasan bahwa semuanya itu dilakukan dimulai dengan niat bersenang-senang dan melakukan sesuatu yang lucu.

Rossifumi Julukan Rossi yang diciptakan oleh temannya saat Rossi membalap di kelas 125cc julukan ini tercipta karena Rossi kagum dengan pembalap Jepang yang khas dengan rambut panjangnya, Norick Abe yang saat itu berumur 17 tahun dan dengan gigih bertarung dengan Michael Doohan dan Kevin Scwantz dikelas 500cc, karena nama asli pembalap Jepang itu Norifumi Abe maka Rossi dijuluki Rossifumi.Tahun 2004 Rossi dan Abe sama-sama membela Yamaha berada dalam beda tim namun satu grafis,yaitu dominasi warna biru.Rossi berada di tim Gauloises Fortuna Yamaha Team sedangkan Abe bernaung di Fortuna Gauloises Tech 3 Yamaha Team.

Valentinik Julukan ini berasal dari tokoh kartun Daffy Duck yang menjadi superhero yang di Italia bernama Paperinik. Julukan ini dipakainya pada saat membalap di kelas 250cc.

The Doctor Setelah naik ke kelas 500cc pada musim 2000 Rossi menjuluki dirinya dengan The Doctor karena membalap di kelas 500cc butuh keseriusan dan ia merasa dirinya bukan anak kecil lagi, selain itu ia juga menyukai ide sebagi illmuwan gila dan melakukan eksperimen edan, ia menganggap pantas memakai julukan itu setelah mendapatkan prestasi sebagai juara dunia.”Di balap 500cc kita tidak butuh superhero. Yang kita perlukan cuma tenang, kalem, dan pemikir seperti dokter,”ucapnya. Disamping itu, nama Valentino di Italia kebanyakan digunakan oleh para dokter. Ia juga mulai mengurangi perayaan kemenangan yang dianggapnya sudah tak pantas ia lakukan. “Cukup dengan melambai seperti pembalap lain, lalu malamnya pesta habis-habisan bareng sahabat-sahabat saya.”

Posted in 0 comments Posted by e R i c k 05 at 2:09 AM  

TEMPO Interaktif, London: Tidak lama setelah memastikan berlabuh ke Manchester City, Robinho mengaku siap menghadapi partai perdana melawan Chelsea. Penyerang asal Brasil tersebut ingin membuktikan bahwa Chelsea rugi tidak memboyongnya.

“Saya suka pertandingan tersebut menjadi partai perdana saya,” ujar Robinho seperti dikutip The Daily Mail, Rabu (3/9). “Pemain Brasil biasa bermain dalam tekanan. Anda tidak mungkin bermain untuk Brasil jika tidak bisa mengatasi tekanan. Ini bagian dari pekerjaan. Ini pertandingan yang enak dimainkan.”

Manchester City sendiri akan menggelar pertandingan melawan Chelsea pada 13 September. Pada pertemuan terakhir 5 April lalu, Manchester City takluk 0-2.

Penyerang bernama lengkap Robson De Souza ini pun mengaku tidak sabar dirempuh bek Chelsea John Terry. “Saya terbiasa menangani bek dengan kekuatan fisik yang prima. Di Spanyol, itu tidak mudah. Saya senang bisa bermain bagus untuk rekan setim saya dan untuk para penggemar juga mencetak dua gol,” tegas Robinho.

Menurut Robinho, dirinya makin tertarik merumput di Liga Inggris setelah menyaksikan final Liga Champions antara dua klub raksasa Inggris, Chelsea melawan Manchester United. Robinho menjelaskan bahwa dirinya ingin menjadi pemain terbaik di dunia sehingga dirinya harus bermain di Liga Inggris.

Sementara mengenai Manchester City sendiri, Robinho mengatakan, “Mereka telah menunjukkan kepada saya ambisi mereka. Mereka tidak inferior dibanding Chelsea. Mereka sedang memulai petualangan mereka. Tetapi saya senang bisa menjadi pemain Manchester ity.”

“Ketika pilihannya hanya Chelsea, tentu saya sangat tertarik untuk bergabung dengan mereka. Lalu ada tim kedua yang menggelontorkan penawaran. Penawaran yang lebih baik. Saya tidak tahu apa ada masalah antara Chelsea dan Real Madrid. Itu bukan urusan saya… yang pasti sekarang saya adalah pemain Manchester City,” tambah Robinho.

Chelsea sempat mengincar Robinho. Akan tetapi, Real Madrid menolak tawaran yang disodorkan Chelsea.

Posted in 0 comments Posted by e R i c k 05 at 2:03 AM  

In the very early days of CS there was only the hardcore group of players who had given up TFC and decided to hear this mod out. Most of the players were LPB's and there were few servers. As a CS newbie back then I was an HPB and was to be honest, crap.

The thought never popped into my head to accuse any of the other players of cheating. Even though they had a 40 ping and I was lagging away at 350 I just moaned about the unfair teams if anything. Whether or not those players I encountered were cheating will be a mystery because there were a fair share of cheats and exploits back then. gm_ilovefanny the round restarter etc. I would bet that people also knew about gl_zmax back then too.

Nevertheless when cheats were probably at their HIGHEST no one complained. People just had fun and enjoyed this exciting new modification. With each beta it got better and still the accusations of cheating remained low. Around beta 5 I think gl_zmax (see through walls) became known and that started the ball rolling. gl_zmax wasn't widely used, but the majority of regular players at least knew about it. I for one used it on a few occasions, but not in clan matches for *SD* I might add.

At beta 5 CS was arguably at its prime. It was one big hype show. All the online / off-line gaming magazines had nothing but praise for the mod and the coverage was astounding. Apart from gl_zmax, people were on the whole too busy playing the game than worrying about "cheats".

Then all of a sudden the spike model cheat popped up. This cheat involved changing the player models with either huge blocks or standard players with spikes coming form all directions so you could see them coming around corners etc. There were variations including huge gun models so that the guns stuck out for miles. Pictures appeared on the CS forums and the game public was angry that this was happening. Beta 6 was released to a hungry gaming public with great expectation and bombed heavily. The whole game dynamics had been altered. New maps replaced old favorites, new game modes had major flaws and the run speed was cut in half and finally the gun aiming system was completely changed. The players were pissed off with this and CS to this day has never recovered.

Cheaters want attention, that is why they cheat. They may be crap players who need the extra edge, they may be bored with the current game or they may just want to have a laugh at the expense of others. But the fact remains they love the attention that cheating brings. With Counter-Strike being the most popular game at that moment the cheat creators were obviously drawn to it because they can get a far wider audience than by messing up Q3/UT and so on.

There are other factors I think have made CS the most hacked game ever. Being a mod it hasn't a professional group of coders working on it. Granted Barking Dog added a bit to the code in Beta 5, but the majority of the code was done by an amateur - Gooseman. The sheer amount of bugs made it so easy to exploit. Also the fact that it is based on the old Quake engine doesn't help, as I understand the source code for this has been released so the hackers/exploiters have the opportunity to get deeper into the game.

Shortly after the release of Beta 6 the cheats came out in force. The now infamous fortresscheats released a working wallhack. The spiked model cheaters made a revenge and dozens of other console scripts and cheats were widely available. Examples are the team change script, lambert, walk cheat... I could go on. These cheats put a dent in the credibility of Counter-Strike and then when various clanbase clans were caught cheating whole clans have been accused of cheating, simply because of their success.

Version 6.5 then came along with the joke netcode and a whole new set of "fixer uppers" to stop the cheats...or so they thought. Welcome the Proxies. Proxy programs, that is programs that operate from a separate .exe and change packets sent to the server, bypassing HL (forgive me if I get the technicalities of this incorrect) were created to do various things. There was the proxy for enabling spiked models, one for stopping smoke grenades and then there was the infamous headshot bot.

Until very recently if anyone was being called a cheat it would be a "headshot bot/script/proxy" cheat. I have tried a couple of the more widely available proxies and they are shite...they don't work at all. Without a doubt though I reckon there are a few proper headshot proxy programs about but not shared by anyone but the creaters friends. Just like with any game mod there is always going to be a few people who have cracked the code or found the exploit that enables them to do this. Of course they would never release it. Why? Because if it is released everyone will be aware of it and it will be patched. By keeping quiet they can use the cheat without "detection" even on "pure" servers with proxy scanners. I doubt that any highly rated clans have access to these because the admins would detect the constant high quality of the players and more likely the fact that all the top rated clans play at LAN parties. And obviously no one can cheat at those. There is also the high likelyhood that the knowledge of these cheats would be leaked.

So, I have pointed out the cheats of the past, and why I think there are so many cheats now. But one thing that astounds me is that the top clans still get accused of cheating. I'm going to take an example that I know all the facts about, my clan 4Kings / B!TCH. I have been with 4Kings to 2 LAN events and played on PC's provided by the event, one didn't even allow us access to our configs. Yet at both, serious accusations of cheating were made and at one even the admins had to check through the entire server logs to prove our innocence. But WHY do Counter-Strike players get accused of cheating so frequently? Again there are a few possible reasons for this in my eyes.

The simple fact is the huge number of cheats that have plagued Counter-Strike in its past and present have hurt the mod. When you shoot your enemy for the 3rd time in a row they get pissed off, I feel the same way when it happens to me. I just take a moment to try and calm down and move on. But others even highly experienced players say "cheater!!!" and the other players listen, and due to the shady past of CS and the fact they have most probably been screwed bye cheater before they stick up for them. To be honest I have called other players cheaters in my ignorance, [marine]b0b for example. This just goes to show that even experienced players do worry about cheating because of the points discussed above.

One final reason for people being called cheats is the "random" value of Counter-Strike. With instant headshot deaths even a newbie can wipe out 2 pro clanners with his TMP. There is nothing more infuriating than being wasted by a lucky shot from someone not even aiming for you, but you just have a take a deep breath and chill.

To conclude, I feel that in the majority of cases the person being accused of cheating on a server is probably not doing anything wrong. He could be playing better than you or just be having a good day, but because of the number of cheats, bugs and exploits that have made up Counter-Strike's past you feel inclined to go for the easy excuse for your death. Not skill, not luck but cheating.

Oh and bunnyhopping is NOT a script by the way.

Posted in 0 comments Posted by e R i c k 05 at 1:53 AM  

Jalan-Jalan Kota Bandung >,<

(Thursday, February 19, 2009)

Jalan-jalan di kota bandung yang sangat ramai..

waktu gw lg di kos sendirian gw di ajak ama ko2 and temen2 and sodar2 nya ko2 gw..

awalnya gw di ajak pergi ntn ke pvj untuk nonton, tadinya mau nonton film yang di rame... gak taunya pas nyampe ke pvj and liat jadwal filmnya ternyata gak ada film yang rame yg mau di tonton..

udah gto mereka pada bingung ingin kemana lg, terus ada yang bilang kita jalan2 aja kota bandung di malam hari...
awalnya kita jalan2 biasa2 aja, terus kita semua lewat kejalan braga and tanpa sengaja and sengaja juga seh, gw and yang laennya melintas ke jalan taman lalulintas and tanpa di sengaja juga gw waktu melintas ke jalan taman lalulintas gw liat banyak banget cewe yang pake baju yg seksi-seksi, pertamanya gw kira tuh ce pelacur alias "BONDON" eh ternyata setelah gw lewat di deket dia gw kaget,shock,tercengang-cengang liat tuh mahluk yang aneh banget meurut gw.. gak taunya yang tadi gw liat ce seksi itu berubah seketika menjadi sesosok banci yang badannya kekar dan besar2..

terus pas gw muter lg lewat tuh taman lalulintas gw liat ada 1 banci yang buka bajunya... gila pas gw liat itu gw mau muntah!! wkawkawkawka kaga nahan liatnya juga! sesudah pulang dari situ gw lewat ke jalan kebonjati and gw singgah di sana untuk beli durian... akhirnya gw persta durian di sana!

dah pulang dari kebon jati gw langsung pulang ke kost!! and bagi gw itu pengalaman jalan-jalan di kota bandung yang sangat aneh banget dech bisa ketemu ama mahluk jadi-jadian seperti itu! >,<

Posted in 0 comments Posted by e R i c k 05 at 10:32 PM  

Sepasang suami isteri setengah baya yang sama-sama dari kalangan profesional merasa penat dengan kesibukan di ibukota.

Mereka memutuskan untuk berlibur di Bali. Mereka akan menempati kembali kamar hotel yang sama dengan ketika mereka berhoneymoon saat menikah 30 tahun yang lalu. Karena kesibukannya, sang suami harus terbang lebih dahulu dan isterinya baru menyusul keesokan harinya.

Setelah check in di hotel di Bali, sang suami mendapati pesawat komputer yang tersambung ke internet telah terpasang di kamarnya.

Dengan gembira ia menulis e-mail mesra kepada isterinya di kantornya di Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta. Celakanya, ia salah mengetik alamat e-mail isterinya dan tanpa menyadari kesalahannya ia tetap mengirimkan e-mail tersebut.

Dilain tempat di daerah Cinere, seorang wanita baru kembali dari pemakaman suaminya yang baru saja meninggal. Setibanya di rumah, ia langsung mengecheck e-mail untuk membaca ucapan-ucapan belasungkawa.

Baru saja selesai membaca e-mail yang pertama, ia langsung jatuh pingsan tak sadarkan diri. Anak sulungnya yang terkejut kemudian membaca e-mail tersebut (tak lama kemudian jatuh pingsan juga), yang bunyinya :

To: Isteriku tercinta
Subject: Papah sudah sampai Mah !!!
Date: 18 Mei 2006
Aku tahu pasti kamu kaget tapi seneng dapat kabar dariku.

Ternyata disini mereka udah pasang internet juga, katanya biar bisa berkirim kabar buat orang-orang tercinta di rumah. Aku baru sampai dan sudah check-in. Katanya mereka juga sudah mempersiapkan segalanya untuk kedatanganmu besok. Nggak sabar deh rasanya nungguin kamu. Semoga perjalanan kamu kesini juga mengasyikkan seperti perjalananku kemaren.

Love you Mom,


PS: Disini lagi panas-panasnya. Kalau pada mau, anak-anak diajak aja .

Posted in 0 comments Posted by e R i c k 05 at 10:20 PM  

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